The address of the EB104 is as follows: Straße des 17. Juni 145, 10623 Berlin
The rooms of EB104 are in the EB building as part of the TU Berlin. In the picture below, the EB building is marked red. The EB building is close to the underground station Ernst Reuter Platz. In the picture below, all five exits of the U Ernst Reuter Platz are marked with blue squares.

This is a ground plan of the EB building. Entrance A faces the Straße des 17. Juni and is closest to EB104. When you have entered the EB building via ground floor, go two floors up. The EB104 is located in second floor (British English), which is third floor in American English.

Important: The EB104 is not located in room EB 104, but in room EB 226. This is because the group has been founded in room EB 104 and then moved to room EB 226.
Postal address
Departmental Center EB104
TU Berlin, Secretariat EB 8
Straße des 17. Juni 145
10623 Berlin